Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Siren Call...

I am exhausted...I haven't had much knitting time in the evenings this week, but have been waking at 4am for the last three mornings. I TRY not to open my eyes, I TRY to keep my head clear, I TRY not to get up, but I can't help it. I KNOW clapotis is waiting for me, calling from the knitting bag. That's right, I have been up somewhere between 4 & 5am everyday this week, to knit. I never dreamed it would come to this. Is there a cure, or do I just need to finish it? Luckily, it shouldn't be long- I have one repeat of section three to go, and I'll be on the downhill run. Here she is:

Section 3 Almost Complete

And a [fuzzy] close up:

Clapotis Close Uo

Oh, and prior to being woken by the sirens, I've been dreaming of bunnies (who hasn't?)...a whole family in different shapes and sizes...stay tuned.


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